Tuesday, December 26, 2006

CD 2 Cycle 2

I got my period for Christmas along with a couple zits on my chin…big ones. Oh well, it’s for the greater good of family planning. I can handle it. I finished my Provera on Saturday and started my cycle yesterday in the afternoon. I’m looking forward to Friday when I start my next round of Clomid. I really, really hope that I ovulate and even better conceive this month! That would be extra exciting. We will just have to wait and see what happens and let the medicine go to work.

My mother in law is in town for a week. She is one of the greatest people I know.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Day 40 Cycle 1

No ovulation last month. I was pretty bummed out after I got my lab results. I am now on day 40 of my cycle and hoping to start a new cycle soon so that I can take Clomid again. This time I will be taking 100 mg of Clomid. I really hope that it works for me. Just to ovulate would be something because then at least I have a chance at conceiving.

I have been taking Provera again to induce my cycle. I started that a week ago and I have three more doses to take after today. Last month I started my cycle before I was even done taking Provera, so I’m sure I could start any day now. I had some cramps today, so hopefully that is a good sign that things are moving along. Never in my life did I think I’d be so excited to have a period! I haven’t been feeling any weird symptoms so far, but I hear that hot flashes are more intense on the higher dosage of Clomid. At least it is winter and I can just go outside for a minute to cool down if need be.

I have committed myself to not taking my basal temp this month. I have discontinued it for now and might pick up on it again towards the end of my next cycle just to see how things might have turned out, but for now it’s just something extra to think about. I have been hyper-vigilant about all things related to my cycle and that is just difficult and disappointing for me due to my irregularity. It’s all still up in the air whether or not I’ll be taking ovulation predictor kits when the time gets close. I have a few left from last month, so I might just use those to see if I catch anything.

I’m looking forward to Christmas. We have many more gifts under the tree than last year. Last year cash was tight because of all the debts we had. This year now that we are paid off it is great. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to save my second job money to pay for a truck. My husband has been off of work for the past month, so we have been living off my two incomes. When he goes back to work in January we hope to start saving at that point. I’d like to get my car repaired (body work) and also take a vacation or two before we have another baby and before I quit my second job. If super expensive vacations don’t happen right now that’s okay too. I have my little list prioritized. It will be nice to just get some cash saved instead of being in the hole. It’s nice just to have the monthly utilities to pay. I hope to keep my job until April at the very least and then I’ll scale back to one full time job. I look forward to that day.