Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I think I need a shower

I went to the store today to shop for a few work supplies. I went through the self check out and was proceeding to the front door when I noticed a series of spills trailing out of the store. I stepped over some of the trail on my way out of the store and was warned to be extremely careful in doing so. Then I turned the corner and noticed that the trail continued in the direction of the bathroom where I pieced it together…I had just stepped over a trail of diarrhea. Immediately after I connected the dots (on the ground) I felt a conflict of emotions. I felt empathy for the person responsible for the trail since they were most likely mortified. I also felt dirty and grossed out and checked to make sure I didn’t step in it on accident when I went across. On the drive back to work I was tempted to stop by my house to change and possibly shower. That’s my gross story for the day.

You’re welcome.


Mr. Mustachio said...

Not cool.

The Justice Family said...

Oh my! I would feel the exact same way. Yuck!

deesha said...

Wow, thank you! I think I would want take more than one shower. Just one question - did that store not have a restroom? Just wondering.

April said...

That is so sick! I really hope that came from a baby and not from an adult! Don't know if knowing that would make it any better or not???