Saturday, December 20, 2008

To you Uncle Keith

Keith McDermott was called home from his mission on earth on Friday, December 19, 2008. His own father passed away on December 19, 1978. Other than my father I held no other man in such high regard as I did my uncle Keith. I thought last night about memories of my fun loving uncle. I don’t remember any bad memories with him. Not one! In my teen years I would get slightly annoyed with his “boys are bad” speeches that I came to know by heart, but I know it was because he loved me so much. As I grew up I looked upon my uncle for advice and spiritual strength especially after my parents divorced. Whenever I spent time with Uncle Keith I was greeted with at least two hugs and more often than not he would take my hands and place them on his shoulders for a quick massage. He was the best person I knew. He was kind, understanding, forgiving, and diplomatic. I want to live my life better just because I knew him. I will forever miss you Uncle Keith!


The Godell Family said...

'm sorry to hear about your loss in the family. Your Uncle Keith sounds like he was one really amazing man. Our prayers are with you.

April said...

Oh I'm so sorry Amanda. That makes me so sad. I remember him from our camping tips. He was such a nice guy. Tell your family hello and you are all in my prayers.

BreeAnn said...

I completley agree with every word that you said! It's so sad! Are you going to be able to go to the funeral? My mom and Dad, and 2 brothers and sister are, but I can't make it.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I'm sorry for your loss. It's a small world. I was acutally in the Fontana Target on Friday when I heard a lady talking on her cell phone say "Keith died". The person on the other end must not have understood her and she said "Brother McDerrmot died". I then thought she must be LDS and how I use to know some McDerrmots. Then when I read your blog I remembered that. It must have been someone who knew your uncle.

Manda said...

What a small world LynMarie! It doesn't surprise me since he was so well liked! Seriously, I don't know how anyone could dislike the man.

The Justice Family said...

I am sorry to hear your sad news. I am glad you had him in your life, he sounds like a great person. How is your mom doing? You both will be in our thoughts and prayers. Till you meet again.