Friday, February 06, 2009

Pregnancy brain!

I can start my car and take my keys out of the ignition when I warm it up…this is probably a bad thing to be able to remove keys once the car is started, but I lock the car up and go about my business. Well, today I started my car at lunch and was about to go home to eat when I remembered that a co-worker brought in chocolate birthday cake for me. Naturally I had to go back inside to retrieve that cake in case I wanted a bite or two after eating lunch. I locked my door without taking the keys out of the ignition…dang it! I realize that my spare emergency key thing is also in the car. I called Dom (who was home 5-10 minutes prior) to ask if he could drive over real quick and let me in with the spare keys. He had left for Sunriver. Ugh. Long story short he came (because he is just that great) and saved the day and my car definitely had a warmed engine at that point. I’m blaming this incident on having pregnancy brain. After all this I ended up not eating cake while on my lunch break. Silly, silly me.


April said...

Yes, you can blame it on the pregnancy. I had that too, and the sad thing is that I still have it! I now blame it on having a bunch of kids!

cruella said...

I am so excited for you and Aubree (and Dom too) how did you pick the names? I wanna see a pix of you when she is bigger in your tummy...oh, btw, I love Fringe too. love you!