Friday, September 08, 2006

no cavities

No cavities! Yeah, that’s right…no cavities. I went to the dentist today and had a cleaning done. It was nice to get that over with. I had to get a full set of x-rays and all that good stuff. I always worry about cavities because when I was a wee lass I had tons of cavities and then as a young adult I had three, yeah, three root canals. Ouch. At least I haven’t had to have my wisdom teeth taken out (that means I’m pretty wise, right?).

I’m continuing with my acupuncture and loving that. Although I will say that yesterday when she placed one in the top of my head I didn’t like that very much. She said it was good that I felt the “presence” that meant it was working. Good thing too. Overall I do find it very relaxing though. Also, I'm not a big fan of the herbs I am taking. The aftertaste is pretty gross. My husband says they smell like a stout beer. I don't know why anyone would recreationally drink something that smells that badly. Anyway, hopefully we will see the results next week when I'm supposed to have a cycle. (Fingers crossed.)

As for weekend plans not much going on here I’m working Saturday, but otherwise I think we are just going out to eat, go grocery shopping, and laundry needs to be done. Nothing spectacular there.

My life is pretty ho hum at the moment. I don’t mind that too much because that means that things are settling down.

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