Friday, August 24, 2007

Nail Biter!

I’ve been biting my nails the past few days wondering if I was going to have good HCG numbers or not. I had my positive pregnancy test a few days before my cycle should have started and then I did the blood test to confirm. So…the second blood test was scary because the HCG didn’t double in 48 hours. They asked me to do another day and it was hard waiting for that phone call this afternoon. I was hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. Thankfully my numbers doubled! I’m happy to still be in the game. I might have to do another test on Sunday, but they said they’d call me back about that. I’m glad it went up. Now I can relax a bit this weekend.

I’ve been bad and haven’t gone to the gym since last week. I usually go every day. I just haven’t felt well in the afternoons. I’m still doing okay today, so I’m just going to go for it. I am going to discontinue jogging and just do the elliptical or walk the treadmill for a while, but at least I want to work out 5 days a week. That’s the goal anyway.

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