Monday, August 20, 2007

Sweet Success

This weekend I went out of town for a few days and enjoyed spending time with some friends. I had an increased sensitivity to smells. I couldn’t even eat lunch on Saturday because my husband put vinegar on his French fries and it was just too strong.

This morning I took a pregnancy test and it was positive!!! I’m sooo excited. I’m allowing myself a little bit of excitement over just being able to conceive. Like last time I got the positive test, but I’m still doubting. I called my doctor’s office and they are going to order a blood test for me today and then again in 48 hours.

In week or two I’ll probably start worrying about what might happen when we have the CVS test to see if the baby has SMA. That will be a huge milestone for us to pass through. I have to keep reminding myself that we do have a 75% chance that all will be well for this baby and me, but it’s still a nerve racking process for sure!

I feel like I deserve a moment to be just happy about this. We have tried so hard for this and I’m not going to let negativity drag me down…yet.

We are going to keep this pregnancy to ourselves and a few friends at this point. After we get our testing done we will share the news with everyone else. That’s the plan anyway. It’s difficult to keep it inside.

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