Monday, January 22, 2007

CD 29

CD 29

So, today I had a huge decrease in my basal temperature reading! I am a little bummed, but hoping that tomorrow my temps will go back up to the high zone. I have read mixed reviews on the whole “implantation dip” thing and am grasping to the hope that this is the case for me…after all I did have a dip just before ovulation as well, so never know. I have no idea what happened last time with Orion since I wasn’t taking my temps at that point. If my temp does go up again tomorrow morning I’ll be so excited because I think this can be a very good indicator for some people. I can say that I had a pretty bad bout of nausea on Saturday afternoon. Yesterday in church I had some pretty uncomfortable stomach cramps. I was ready to get home for sure. Today hasn’t been so bad, but I am tired (I wish I had the night off tonight so I can sleep) and very, very crabby. I’m annoyed with just about everything today and know that the best place for me today would have been at home in bed instead of trying to interact with people. Oh well, I’ll take that as a good sign. I have been going to the bathroom a lot and I do have increased appetite today. I feel like I could eat every two hours.

I guess all my hope hinges on that basal temperature reading tomorrow morning to see if it gets back up. If it doesn’t go back up and I have my period soon that means that all the symptoms I’ve been feeling have been in my head. I am trying not to exaggerate any of them, but it’s possible that I want them so badly that it is just happening anyway. My husband thinks I’m pregnant. I would feel bad if I wasn’t. Next month I’ll try not to speak of any symptoms I might be having until after the pregnancy is confirmed. I think I’ll just stop now too just in case I’m not.

1 comment:

cruella said...

I am going to the temple tomorrow, I will put your name on the prayer roll. And, nausea is a good sign. love you!