Tuesday, December 26, 2006

CD 2 Cycle 2

I got my period for Christmas along with a couple zits on my chin…big ones. Oh well, it’s for the greater good of family planning. I can handle it. I finished my Provera on Saturday and started my cycle yesterday in the afternoon. I’m looking forward to Friday when I start my next round of Clomid. I really, really hope that I ovulate and even better conceive this month! That would be extra exciting. We will just have to wait and see what happens and let the medicine go to work.

My mother in law is in town for a week. She is one of the greatest people I know.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Day 40 Cycle 1

No ovulation last month. I was pretty bummed out after I got my lab results. I am now on day 40 of my cycle and hoping to start a new cycle soon so that I can take Clomid again. This time I will be taking 100 mg of Clomid. I really hope that it works for me. Just to ovulate would be something because then at least I have a chance at conceiving.

I have been taking Provera again to induce my cycle. I started that a week ago and I have three more doses to take after today. Last month I started my cycle before I was even done taking Provera, so I’m sure I could start any day now. I had some cramps today, so hopefully that is a good sign that things are moving along. Never in my life did I think I’d be so excited to have a period! I haven’t been feeling any weird symptoms so far, but I hear that hot flashes are more intense on the higher dosage of Clomid. At least it is winter and I can just go outside for a minute to cool down if need be.

I have committed myself to not taking my basal temp this month. I have discontinued it for now and might pick up on it again towards the end of my next cycle just to see how things might have turned out, but for now it’s just something extra to think about. I have been hyper-vigilant about all things related to my cycle and that is just difficult and disappointing for me due to my irregularity. It’s all still up in the air whether or not I’ll be taking ovulation predictor kits when the time gets close. I have a few left from last month, so I might just use those to see if I catch anything.

I’m looking forward to Christmas. We have many more gifts under the tree than last year. Last year cash was tight because of all the debts we had. This year now that we are paid off it is great. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to save my second job money to pay for a truck. My husband has been off of work for the past month, so we have been living off my two incomes. When he goes back to work in January we hope to start saving at that point. I’d like to get my car repaired (body work) and also take a vacation or two before we have another baby and before I quit my second job. If super expensive vacations don’t happen right now that’s okay too. I have my little list prioritized. It will be nice to just get some cash saved instead of being in the hole. It’s nice just to have the monthly utilities to pay. I hope to keep my job until April at the very least and then I’ll scale back to one full time job. I look forward to that day.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

CD 18

Today I am on day 18 of my cycle and I am not sure if I ovulated or not. I started taking ovulation tests on cycle day 12 and had a slight purple line on the result side of the window. I know that Clomid can kind of mess with the results, so I was waiting for a dark purple line to indicate ovulation was going to occur. I had also heard to test in the afternoon and twice a day to detect the surge. I was on vacation for Thanksgiving though and could not test at the same time daily, so this was not ideal. We did see purple for many days, but it was hard to tell if the test was a positive or not. I think it was more frustrating than last year when we conceived. I didn’t get ovulation tests and we did just fine. I don’t know if I’m going to try that again next month (if I don’t get pregnant this month.) I did take tests up until yesterday when I got one that was obviously absent of any purple line. I must have already ovulated then during my purple days. I just don’t know what day. There were days that the purple line was pretty darn close to the control line. I could have had diluted urine (I drink a lot of water). I am charting my basal temps still, but that was kind of screwy as well since I didn’t get up at the same time daily and sometimes would forget to put the thermometer next to my bedside and would have to walk over and find it in my travel bag. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that it did happen. Dom and I made sure to cover our bases just in case if you know what I mean. Part of me still wants to take the ovulation predictor tests for a few more days just to see if I experience more purple lines. I have three left since I bought two boxes, so I just might do that.

I’m not experiencing anything yet except for some stomach irritation and fatigue today. I don’t remember how early I felt symptoms last time and I did not chart my temps last time, so that will be new to me. I hope I can be lucky enough to conceive quickly again. I do know that I started to feel very tired and had breast tenderness last time pretty early on, but I think it was just before my period would have started, so I have to wait another week and a half to see what happens. I don’t think it happened this month though. I doubt that I even ovulated. I’ll go in for a lab next week to find out for sure though. That will set my mind at ease. If I at least ovulate I have a chance.

It is nice to be actively trying though instead of just waiting. It is hard to wait, but I have waited before. I’m learning a great lesson in patience. I wish I would have been more detailed last time in my journal at home to compare. At least this time I’m trying to be more aware. I think last time everything was just so surreal. I really didn’t expect to get pregnant the very first month of Clomid. I had no expectations going into the experience. This time I have hope that I will have the same luck, but who knows. I just hope it does happen in the first three months like my doctor predicted.

I don’t know if tracking things helps or not. It can’t be healthy to think about conceiving so much. I mean, charting temps, taking daily ovulation tests…just waiting for the time to come. It is just too much anticipation. If I don’t get pregnant this month I’ll probably not go crazy with all this stuff next time. We did just fine last year without it. I think I was more relaxed too which helps. The blood test that I am getting next week will be more accurate than those tests I did all week this week, so I might as well just let the doctor do her thing and let things happen as they happen.

In the meantime I am going to cut out sodas again. It is time. I indulged since Orion passed away in comfort “foods” like soda, but now I need to be back on track. I’m also going to try to make more time for exercise for the next few weeks. If I’m given a bit more time without pregnancy I might as well make the most of it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Diet Completed


I’m now on Day 6 of my diet! I can’t believe I made it this far. I did loose pounds, but not the ten pounds in a week that the diet boasts. It’s probably because I drank diet sodas daily. It looks like I’ve lost four pounds though and that’s good. I still have the rest of today and tomorrow to go though. I am on the “easy” part. I get to eat beef and veggies today. I don’t feel starving all day, so that’s good. After the diet is over I’ll take a few days off (but I still plan on eating light) and then I’ll do another week of this.


I’m officially done with my diet as of last night. I lost four pounds. It’s good. I am starting another one on Monday with my boss. This one seems easier. I have heard good things about this one, so I’m interested to see the results. My friend recently lost five pounds in a week with this diet and my boss told me that she and her sister have done this diet before and lost weight on it. That would be nice, so if this one works I’ll probably use this one for a while. I just needed to take a few days off in between diets.

I have two weeks until I see my doctor and start up the Clomid again. I am looking forward to getting that going. I really enjoy the acupuncture, but it’s not working quickly enough for me. I told my acupuncturist that I would start coming after I successfully had a baby and would be more patient about getting my cycles regulated. Right now I just want to hurry up and get knocked up again. I don’t want to be patient. I can’t believe it has been five months already since I had Orion. Although sometimes I feel like it never happened. I think of my pregnancy like it was a dream. It’s hard to believe that I lost my little person.

The best I can do for myself right now is to think positively about the future and work hard. The days and weeks are passing relatively quickly and I’m very happy about that. I heard that my brother (who is in the navy) might be visiting home for Thanksgiving. I’m hoping this is true. It would be nice to see him. If not he is planning a visit to California in the summer, so I hope to see him there. It would be fun to go to the beach out there even though I hope to be huge with pregnancy again by then. I really didn’t mind though this last time. I miss feeling Orion.

Friday, October 20, 2006

A little lighter

So, last night I was feeling pretty light headed at my second job. I thought I’d have to go home because I was feeling sick. I stuck it out though and felt a bit better after a short break and ate some cucumber and asparagus. I figured I was probably feeling pretty crummy because of my diet. I had not eaten anything substantial since the potato I had for breakfast that morning. No wonder I was feeling faint! I did manage to exercise after work anyway, so that’s good.

Today my menu consists of only fruits and veggies, but no bananas or potatoes. I had a fruit salad for breakfast. It feels good to exercise my willpower. I don’t do that often enough. I weighed myself (even though I should just wait until the diet is complete) and I have lost some pounds already. Yay. I just wanted to make sure that all this hunger is worth while. It will be great to eat again though. I miss Mexican food the most. I really want to go to Taco Del Mar today for lunch. It’s a good thing I already have something else planned for lunch though. I’m going to the store tonight to get the ingredients for the special soup that goes along with this diet. I’m going to cook some up tonight most likely.

I’m also excited to play The Sims 2: Pets that came out this week. I purchased it this morning. That will probably keep me up a little late tonight. (But at least it will distract me from my hunger.)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

New diet


So, I’m starting a week long diet. Yeah, I know that usually people gain back all the weight after a rapid weight loss diet, but it sure would be nice to have that weight taken away. I am trying to loose the last of my baby weight. It would be great to loose it before I got pregnant again. I hope to get pregnant in the next few months, but for now I’ll work hard at loosing weight. Today was day one (of seven) and I was supposed to eat only fruits. I had an avocado for lunch to help me get through the day. I have been hungry almost all day, but it will be good if this works. Tomorrow is only veggies. I’ll start the day with a baked potato. We’ll see how that one goes too. Should be interesting.

My nose ring is out already by the way. It just didn't feel right for me. I liked it though. I had it in for a few days before my boss pulled me aside and asked about it. I thought this was kind of silly because there are several people, one in the same department as I am with nose piercings, but of course I get called out. I should have known better. I can't get away with anything...that's just the way it is for me.

Acupuncture has done nothing for me yet in the way of making ovulation happen. Unfortunately it can take up to six months to regulate someone. I’ll probably just have to go back to that after I have my next child. I don’t want to wait that long. I’d rather get the ball rolling by taking good ole Clomid. I have an appointment in a few weeks with my doctor, so I’ll be asking for this process to commence. I really do enjoy acupuncture though and have an appointment weekly until I have my MD appointment. I have also asked for pressure points to be put in my ear for weight loss. I did loose two pounds in the second week that I had them in. I was told that they help to speed up metabolism. That’s always good.

I was feeling pretty down on Sunday because my sister was talking about her latest (fourth) pregnancy. She is 15 weeks along and thinks the baby might be a boy. She will know for sure in a few weeks. She was telling me the names she has chosen and all that pregnancy excitement stuff and it made me a little jealous. I want those things again.


Day two of my diet and I had a potato for breakfast. That is what the diet said to do, so that’s what I’m doing. For the remainder of the day I am only allowed to eat vegetables. Last night was difficult because at my part time job they had free pizza, chips, cake, etc out on the tables in the break room. I just put my nose in the book I’m reading and ate my watermelon and cantaloupe. I hope today will be a bit easier. I feel a lot better already since I’ve started the day with a potato. I feel pretty full. I am very interested to see if I do loose the weight the diet claims a person should loose while on this diet. I feel like a science project. If the diet does work I’ll take a few days off and then start another week. I am working out in the evenings after my second job to help the process along. I also just feel better after a good work out. I wish I had more time to work out, but I just can’t get myself out of bed earlier in the morning. Oh well, at least I am squeezing some in. It will be nice when I go back to one full time job and I dream of the day I have a child and a part time job. That will be so great.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Sometimes I feel like I should be the highest paid actress in Hollywood…or at least the second highest. I smile and get my work done and keep my head up during my two jobs. Yeah, two jobs, but I am choosing that. It’s to save up for things we want. I hope this is the last time I will be able to work two jobs. Once we do have a child that survives I will cut my hours back to one full time job with the ultimate goal of part time and eventually no job at all. Inside I am feeling pretty fragile emotionally sometimes. I feel teary sometimes, but mostly at night before bed. That’s when I do most of my thinking. I am successful with distracting myself most of the day, but when I am trying to relax at night to sleep thoughts of Orion creep in and that is when I think of him the most. I take Benedryl to help me sleep sometimes. I need to be really tired to get to bed. Lately it has not been so hard with the hours I’m working.

This is a time in my life where I feel like I should do everything I’ve wanted to do, within reason. I don’t want any regrets. When I look back at my life later on I want to smile, not frown. I also do not want to wonder what something would have been like. I have been given some extra time for whatever reason to be without a living child, so I am going to make the most of it. Although sometimes I feel like I am just marking time until I am pregnant again. I am attempting to make my days go by faster by working so many hours. I’m a little frustrated with my work out schedule though. I was working out almost daily before I started working two jobs, but now I have a hard time fitting more than two in a week. I can’t get my butt out of bed early enough before my first job to get that part done I do want to loose my baby weight and since I’m not getting pregnant fast enough for my liking I might as well get rid of that (as I eat a chocolate Entenmann's donut). In my acupuncture I mentioned that I’d like to loose some weight and she placed some small pins in my ear to help me along. I feel like this is an interesting experiment for me.

I also got my nose pierced on Monday. I have been thinking about it for a little while, but didn’t think I would really do it. I love how it looks on other people, so I wanted to try it out on myself. I am still getting used to it, but I like it so far. In six weeks she can put a retainer in so I can take it out when I need to. This is part of my “no regrets” campaign. I saw a lady at the store the other day that looked to be my grandmother’s age and she had a nose ring, so I thought if she could do it I could do it and finally went to get it done. I am a little nervous about what people at church might say and I’m afraid of seeing the Bishop, (kind of like a rebellious teenager being afraid to show her dad). I’m sure it will be just fine though.

Since the theme of this blog lately has been focused on family planning I will say that I’m kind of disappointed that I have not had my period since August! Silly me, but I had hoped that my cycles would become regular after my pregnancy. Unfortunately that did not happen. My acupuncturist told me that it can take a while to regulate cycles and I understand that, but I told her I can take my time later (after I have a healthy child) with getting a regular cycle. I would like to take the Clomid as soon as possible (November) to get the show on the road right now and then later I’ll be patient and try to regulate my cycles with acupuncture. I’m actually counting down the weeks until my appointment. At least then I can start getting a push in the right direction. I got pregnant the first month I took Clomid last time. I’m not going to expect to get pregnant the first month again, but at least I know it works.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Party near my house

I had a nice dinner out with Dom on Saturday night. We celebrated our 5th anniversary. I can’t believe it has been that many years. Saturday night we stayed up kind of late watching TV and then I read a book. I went to bed at almost 1. At 230 I hear loud talking and bass from music. I thought it was our crazy neighbors in some town homes behind us because they are always fighting or having a party. I looked out the window and noticed that it was dark in the crazy neighbor home. This noise persisted and I went downstairs to investigate. The girls in the townhome down the row from mine were evidently partying. I went upstairs and read a book for a while. At 3 I decided to knock on their door. I stood outside my place staring at theirs not wanting to interrupt their party, but also dying for some sleep. I’m starting to get a cold and really needed some rest. The girls happened to come outside to get something out of their car. I got their attention and asked for them to please keep it down. They apologized and said they would take the party to the back. I saw one of the girls shut the front window as she went back inside.

I went back to my house and tried to get back to sleep. Unfortunately after people have alcohol in their systems it makes them talk louder…not to mention the music they had playing that had to be talked over. The bass could be heard through my walls and I’m not even attached to their place. All the lights were out in the town homes surrounding us, so I wondered if I was the only one hearing this. My husband was blissfully snoring through the whole ordeal. I hate being a light sleeper. At 4 I had finally had my fill. I stomped out of the house and knocked on the door. I knocked again. I then tried the doorbell (which did not work) and then knocked one last time. Two young guys walked by and I asked them if they were going to the party. They said, “No, are you?” I said no and then watched them walk by. I wondered where they were going if they weren’t going to the party. (I live in a small complex and know everyone that lives there.) I decided I should just go inside and hope the party would end soon. They must be getting tired or too drunk to stay awake at some point soon I hoped.

I walked to my door and saw the two guys walking around in the trees between the town homes. I wondered what went on at night outside and was glad to be back inside behind locked doors. I wished that the cops would come to break up the party, but I didn’t want to call myself. It finally quieted down at 5 and I was back in bed by 530. It was so nice to sleep.

Just for the record I’m okay with people having parties on the weekend. It would just be nice if the party was quiet or done after 1 AM. After that it’s just plain rude. I really wanted to lay on my car horn the following morning just out of spite…but I didn’t. I just really needed my sleep because of this darn cold that is creeping up. I bought some Zicam, so I hope that works for me. I have to work 68 hours this week, so I need all the help I can get.

This morning I went in to my ivillage fertility chart and caught up on logging my basal temperatures. I haven’t been taking them at exactly the same time every morning, but around the same time…except for Sunday when I slept in until 10 (that temp was really high). Anyway, after logging in the temps the calendar said “Pregnant!” I said, yeah right. Just because I haven’t had my cycle yet doesn’t mean I am. I wish I had a regular cycle. I don’t feel pregnant. I also took a pregnancy test last week and it was negative. It would have been nice if I am pregnant, but I don’t think I am. I am just hoping acupuncture helps me out with my cycles. She said it can take a few months though to regulate me. In a few months I can start taking Clomid again though. It worked for me with Orion, so I am pretty hopeful that it will work again quickly. I can start that in the end of November. I look forward to that.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Everyone Out!

So, just as church was ending on Sunday the Bishop came in to inform us that we needed to exit the building as soon as possible. A lady in the ward was talking to me about a potential sewing project she would like me to help with (I don’t sew). I said I would love to help if I had a sewing machine. (I actually do own a sewing machine, but have never used it; in fact, my mother in law is using it back in Santa Barbara.) I’m thinking about just buying another one and letting her keep it. I decided to check out the bulletin board on the way out of church because I missed some of what the Bishop said and thought maybe he just mentioned going home because we should spend time with our families. I proceeded to walk outside and a young woman in the ward asked me if I knew what was going on. I shrugged my shoulders and she said, “I heard something about a bomb.”

I walked out into the parking lot and noticed a couple cop cars blocking the driveway near my car. I went home and was a bit alarmed about the scenario in my head picturing the building exploding behind me in my rear view mirror and expecting to hear sirens. (I have a bit of an imagination). I thought of a time when I was sixteen or seventeen when I drove home from a youth dance at my church when some friends where in the midst of a fight. It was the same thing…part of me wanted to stay to see if things would be okay, but on the other hand I obeyed my “orders” and drove home.

In both cases I received updates on the situation unexpectedly the next morning. In my youth I heard people talking about the fight that stayed to watch how everything unfolded in my Sunday school class. In this most recent experience I was listening to the radio and there was a little news update and the DJ mentioned the evacuation and informed that there were four pipe bombs found on the property. Three had been detonated and one was live still. I was parked pretty darn close to the live one. The bomb squad was called in from Salem and everything. Good times. Anyway, they say the church was not a target and it was probably just some kids playing around (there is a large grass field). It just made for an interesting Sunday and walk down memory lane.

In other news about me I’m still doing electrolysis and enjoying the results of that. I would have napped today if it weren’t for the pain of the actual process. I’m also really enjoying my acupuncture and adjusting to my new work schedule. I’ve been working a lot lately. It’s good for me to stay busy. I need it.

Friday, September 08, 2006

no cavities

No cavities! Yeah, that’s right…no cavities. I went to the dentist today and had a cleaning done. It was nice to get that over with. I had to get a full set of x-rays and all that good stuff. I always worry about cavities because when I was a wee lass I had tons of cavities and then as a young adult I had three, yeah, three root canals. Ouch. At least I haven’t had to have my wisdom teeth taken out (that means I’m pretty wise, right?).

I’m continuing with my acupuncture and loving that. Although I will say that yesterday when she placed one in the top of my head I didn’t like that very much. She said it was good that I felt the “presence” that meant it was working. Good thing too. Overall I do find it very relaxing though. Also, I'm not a big fan of the herbs I am taking. The aftertaste is pretty gross. My husband says they smell like a stout beer. I don't know why anyone would recreationally drink something that smells that badly. Anyway, hopefully we will see the results next week when I'm supposed to have a cycle. (Fingers crossed.)

As for weekend plans not much going on here I’m working Saturday, but otherwise I think we are just going out to eat, go grocery shopping, and laundry needs to be done. Nothing spectacular there.

My life is pretty ho hum at the moment. I don’t mind that too much because that means that things are settling down.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sept is here

What’s been going on in my life you ask? Well…I’ll tell ya. I’m doing better with the news my sister dealt me about expecting another child. I really am happy for her. Her youngest daughter is just a joy and her older boys will always hold a soft spot in my heart.

I did start acupuncture and have been twice now. I am going once a week for a while and then will probably go every two weeks later on in treatment. It’s relaxing to have acupuncture. I wasn’t sure if I would like it or not, but I really do. I’m looking forward to finding out if it will help regulate me. I am taking these herbal vitamins to help with the process as well. They taste pretty gross. Dom says that they smell like a stout beer. I just hope that this helps my body to ovulate regularly. That would increase our odds of conceiving.

I have successfully discontinued caffeinated sodas. I have had a soda here or there, but not daily, so I am looking forward to seeing the pounds melt away. I have been working out as well, so that has been good for me. I really enjoy working out. (I just wish it showed by how fit I’d like to be). We can’t have everything now can we. I am just going to keep trucking away. I decided that if I get pregnant again soon I’ll just have to work that much harder after I have my next child. I’m okay with that although I’m not looking forward to looking at the scale as the next pregnancy progresses if I start ten pounds higher than last time. I was told by a friend to just simply stop looking at the scale when pregnant. I might just follow that advice.

I have taken a part time job in addition to my full time job. I think it will be okay because I will still be home by 9 and never work Sundays. That’s pretty good in my book. I am starting tonight and I’m looking forward to it. I am working towards buying a truck for Dom and a few other goals we’d like to achieve. Dom and I decided that we’d like to have me work part time or not at all after our healthy child arrives, so I am okay with working extra long hours for now. It’s only temporary. I’m just pleased that he is on board with me working part time instead of full time when we are parents. I’m blessed that he changed his point of view. Now we just have to get that healthy child.

I seriously doubt that I am pregnant. I don’t think it will be that easy for us. I would be thrilled if we were though. I’m sure it will take a few months though at the very least. I miss pregnancy so very much, yes even the uncomfortable moments. I look forward to the day when we know that we have a healthy baby and can hold him/her in our arms.

I had a hard time sleeping last night. I think there were several factors involved. I was anticipating the start date for my second job tonight for one thing. Last night was my last evening at home for a while. I also was thinking about Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter. He was killed by a stingray and I was thinking about how sad his family must be. I thought about the loss of a husband and father. It lead me to think about Orion and how much I miss him still. I thought about when I held Orion for the last time. A part of me went with Orion. I did receive blessings from my experience this summer though. It was not all bad. I now have a much stronger bond with my husband and love him much more. I loved him before, but it grew into something else. I can say with certainty that I love my husband more than our wedding day.

Oh, I have also been getting electrolysis. It has been an interesting endeavor. I am starting to have my armpits worked on. I don’t show my pits very often, but it’s just going to be nice knowing there is no hair there.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My sister

My sister called me late last week and told me that she is expecting her fourth child. I knew she was trying for one more child, but hoped that it would take a bit longer. I selfishly wish that she could have just waited a bit longer before procreating once again. I am happy for her though. She is barely over 35, so it’s better for her to get pregnant now rather than later.

Dom and I are going to try again soon anyway. We both feel the urge to make another attempt at parenthood. I feel pretty good about it. I do feel strongly about starting to try soon. It’s strange because I am usually a “cup half empty” kind of person when it comes to things for myself. In this case after all that has happened I’m feeling completely the opposite. I feel like things are going to work out this time. I feel like Dom and I will have a healthy child. It’s probably crazy for me to think this way.

There are a few factors involved in deciding if we are going to start trying this month or not. I had my MMR vaccination just about a month ago and I just want to make sure that I space it out appropriately. The CDC says to wait 28 days and the egg would not be fertilized until week after. (If we were lucky enough to conceive the first month we tried). I called my OB/GYN to ask about this.

I am going to start acupuncture next week to help with fertility because I do not cycle regularly. It will be interesting to see if this works for me. My doctor did tell me that if we didn’t get pregnant after three months of trying that she would issue us some Clomid again because of my troubles with conceiving in the past.

In the meantime I am going to try to loose weight. I still have to loose that last ten pounds. I am going to give up soda as of today. I indulged myself in drinking Pepsi again after Orin was born, but now it’s time to give it up again for two reasons…weight loss and I don’t want the caffeine in my system if and when we conceive.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I am feeling a bit better than last week. My husband and I definitely decided to just take a break from the serious for a moment and hold off until the beginning of the year for anything. We are seriously considering just conceiving on our own at this point. I cannot find any funding for the PGD or IVF and we do not want to go into that much debt unless it was for a car. We do have a 75% chance for a healthy baby, so we hope for the best. I usually worry and think the worst is going to happen, but it’s strange because in this situation I feel pretty positive about my next pregnancy. I don’t feel very worried yet. Maybe that will kick in when we actually do get pregnant again. We would have to wait until week 10 of the pregnancy to set our mind at ease and find out if the baby was affected or not.

I am still trying to put together my plans to start up a foundation to help parents financially with IVF and PGD. It is just plain silly insurances would not cover this for people with genetic risks. There is a need for this service; I just have to figure out a way to fund it with enough money to help a significant amount of families. I have a few ideas, but I wonder if it will be enough. It would be a dream come true to have some real heavy hitters involved with donations and get things going. I dream of nice dinner events and a few other fund raising ideas I have. It would be nice to help other people. It would be nice if I could find something already in place that I could use, but I guess that’s not in the cards for me. I hate that the insurance would have to put me in the position of deciding whether or not to try for a baby on our own and go through the pain of loosing a second or third child to this disorder. You would think from just a financial point of view they would concede and let us have the money for the IVF. Orion’s bills were so high we could have had several rounds of IVF and be done with it.

There was an amazing thunder and lightening storm last night! It was beautiful. Dom and I sat outside on lawn chairs with an umbrella and just watched the sky light up. We love storms like that. We know it is dangerous in this area for wild fires, but it sure is an impressive sight for us to watch. Just a few nights ago I had another encounter with a deer. This time it was a buck and he was beautiful. I thought he might cross the road, but I looked at him and it looked like he shook his head no, as if to say he was not going to cross yet. I know that’s silly, but it was funny to me. He did cross the road two cars behind me.

Friday, August 04, 2006



I got the news the other day that insurance is not going to cover the procedures. I am feeling pretty down about this news. I have had a difficult time keeping myself together since Wednesday.

My plan now is to hold off on the PGD and IVF until January or February. In the meantime I plan on getting a part-time job in the evenings and weekends and working as much as I can. I will be saving that money for the procedures and hopefully we will have a big chunk of it to pay right away before financing the rest. I really don’t want to have 14,000 of debt.

Dom and I could take the risk and just conceive on our own. Things could turn out just fine. We are feeling unsafe with that option though. We want to protect ourselves as much as we can from that happening again. I still replay the horror of learning the news that Orion was never going to get better. It was even more horrible to hold my son as he passed away. I will never forget that. I will never forget him. We hope that our son did not give his life in vain. We hope that Orion provided a way for his younger siblings to have healthy bodies.

I do have a small service project planned for tonight. It should be good to do something nice for someone else. I’m looking forward to helping.

Soon I hope to be working more. I did apply for a job at an animal ER. They offered it before we knew if the insurance was going to pay or not. The job was a lot of hours a week, so I turned it down. Since we found out that we will have to pay for the IVF I decided it would be wise to take the job, so I called them back. They are interviewing others right now, but said they would call me back on Sunday. I hope I get something. There is also a pharmacy I’d like to work at, so I’m giving that a try too.

I am going to be an even busier person now until the beginning of the year and gone are the plans for our Caribbean vacation. I think our family is more important than that trip.

Copy machine repair man


Today I was asked by the copy machine repair man at work how my baby is doing. I explained to him that unfortunately he passed away and gave a very brief explanation that it was due to genetics. I then went to lunch and had to fight back some tears. I really felt like crying because my mind replayed the morning after Orion was born and the doctors told me that he might die. I really miss Orion.

I’m still just waiting to hear back from the insurance company as to whether or not they will authorize me to have the testing and invitro done. I hope they at least cover part…all would be nice, but I’ve learned to take bad news lately.

Not only is it emotionally distressing to loose a baby it is expensive for the insurance company. My son’s medical bills are already reaching 40,000 and that’s just for two week’s of life. If they would pay for one or two rounds of Invitro it would only be half that. Imagine if a future child was affected by this disorder and was not as sick as Orion. This child could hang on for two to three years and have to be under some serious medical care. This would cost the insurance company way more money. I hope they will see this and help my husband and me out.

I used to feel like I wanted to have a huge family (I am LDS after all). At this point I would feel incredibly blessed to have one healthy child. Gone are the days that I wanted 4 or even 3 children. I would like to have two…maybe with the invitro we will have twins and be done with it. That may be hoping for too much though. I just don’t want to risk pregnancies without testing first. There is too much risk involved.

Dom and I went to visit the cemetery a few nights ago and we were pleasantly surprised to see Orion’s headstone had arrived. It is beautiful.

I’m anxious to get started with PGD and IVF! I think it’s going to be October or January before we try. It would be nice if October worked out, but we are also okay with waiting a bit longer. I think it would just be nice to know at this point. Once we get an answer from our insurance company we can get to the next step in planning.

I’m seriously considering starting up some sort of foundation for PGD/IVF funding. I think there should be help available for people in similar situations as my husband and I are finding ourselves. I even bought a book to look into it. This is something I really feel is important.

Its funny how quickly life can change; just 9 weeks ago we had no idea what Spinal Muscle Atrophy was, but now it consumes most of my thoughts.

I have a famous second cousin that recently had twins. I am very happy for her that her twins are healthy. I feel sad that things worked out the way they did for me, but I hope for the future. I don’t talk to this family member. I vaguely remember her from family reunions when we were both much younger. I recently saw a picture of Gwen Stephani’s baby boy Kingston and it made me a little sad. He was born the day before Orion was and I figure that’s about the size he would be right about now…it’s hard. I remember when I was pregnant I was so excited for Gwen and felt a kinship towards her because of the timing of our pregnancies.

I realize that my thoughts were kind of all over the place, but sometimes that’s how I feel. I try not to think about the sad stuff too often, so I stay busy with planning positive things like weekend trips and things of that nature.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Deer crosses the road


I got up at the crack of dawn (545AM) to get ready to meet a friend of mine to take a morning hike. We had a great walk even though I had to force myself out of bed to get there. I’m glad I did it and I’m actually thinking about getting up early a few times a week to walk. I usually like to exercise after work before dinner, but it has been so hot lately morning is better at the moment. I’m trying to get back into a good work out routine. I like exercising, I know, crazy. It’s true though. It feels weird to do lower abdominal work still though. It feels like I’m pulling on the incision or something. Hopefully in a few weeks that will start to feel more normal again.

Dom and I went to a lake cabin over the weekend. It was beautiful and there was a fantastic view of Mt. Hood. Dom caught eight small fish. He would like to go back and fish in early fall. I wouldn’t mind. We stayed in a rustic cabin. It was a bit warm at night inside, but we enjoyed being there. I think if we go in the fall it will cool down and we’ll actually have to use the wood stove. It was a relaxing weekend.

It looks like we are already hitting kinks in the road for our family planning. The testing that we need to have done is still considered experimental and is about $2800. Not to mention the need for invitro fertilization (IVF) because of the method of testing and that will cost approx $13,000 for each cycle. I hope to have plenty of healthy eggs to implant so we can have better chances for pregnancy. Otherwise we’ll be spending that amount again for the next try. I’m trying to see if there is any help the insurance can offer me. I’ve already had offers from a few doctors to write letters for me. If we have to get a loan we will. It is worth it to me for a healthy child. I don’t want to make another baby of mine pass away because of SMA. I’ve already had nightmares of having a baby and the baby does not cry when it comes out.


My insurance is looking into the situation for me and deciding whether or not they will cover IVF due to our circumstances. I hope they at least cover one round of IVF…if not more. I would be thankful for whatever they can offer me. I’m just glad they aren’t giving me a flat out no.

We drove to Portland for our consultation with the IVF doctor. We aren’t sure when we are going to get the IVF done, but hope to start before the end of the year or early next year. I’m just going to see what insurance says and then go from there.

Coincidentally we received a phone call from the geneticist in town and informed that the doctor in Portland that gave us the diagnosis for our son just assumed we were both carriers for the disorder. He does not have the lab work to back that up. This can cause a problem with the PGD testing. Dom and I would both have to be carriers for this. If only one of us were a carrier it is a good thing because that means our chances of this happening again are very low.

On Saturday morning I was driving home from the library and noticed the car in front of me slow down. I scanned the road and saw a deer trotting across the four lane busy street. I stopped my car and we all waited for the deer to cross. I was reminded of the area I live in. Back in Santa Barbara or Glendora one would not see a deer try to cross a busy street. I love where I live.

Also on Saturday Dom and I went guitar shopping for his birthday. He found an Ibanez 7 string guitar he had to have, so we purchased it and a teeny amp to go with it. He is thrilled to have a nice guitar though and was already playing up a storm in our spare room all weekend. He says he can’t wait for his calluses to come back on his fingers.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I thought it would be really hard to see my niece yesterday. She is only a few months old and I thought it might be difficult to hold a little one in my arms. I did feel a bit sad, but I didn’t break down as I had expected to. I just look forward to the day when I can hold babies of my own in my arms once more.

Speaking of holding my own babies…I talked to the geneticist yesterday and she informed me that things look very promising for Dom and me to have the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. We are going to her office to get a list of clinics all over the country that have good success rates. It would be nice if the clinic in Portland was good enough, but if we have to fly somewhere for this I’m okay with that. I was euphoric last night. It was very hard to get to sleep because my mind was running in overtime. I really hope to be pregnant by the holiday season. That would be wonderful. We also think it would be fun to get pregnant in January or February so we could possibly have a Halloween baby.

Most of all I’m just looking forward to feeling the little critter moving inside me and kicking, and yes, even the hiccups. I’m excited to be tired and huge and waddling down the street. I even relish the thought of being nauseated constantly again for a few months. I’m just thrilled with the thought because I look forward to holding the little one in my arms at the end of the nine months. I wonder if I’ll be sicker this time with morning sickness. I wonder if I’ll have a multiple birth. Since I’m getting Invitro done it’s going to be a bit higher of a chance for that to happen. We really don’t mind though…two would be just fine with us. We just consider that one less time I have to get pregnant. I already have stretch marks, so why not stretch it some more?

It’s great to feel more hope again. I know that I may not get pregnant the first try with invitro, or even the second, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor for us, so I’m going to be patient see what happens.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July 4th

I had a major melt down yesterday. I think it’s because I had looked forward to the 4th of July while I was pregnant because I knew the baby would be here. Unfortunately he isn’t here anymore. I went to work for a half day and tried to stay busy, but it was a slow day. I decided that I needed to go to the cemetery to visit Orion, so Dom came with me. We sat down in the grass and spent a little time with our son. There was a cool breeze that saved us from burning up. The sun was very warm. After we spent a bit of time there we went to Target for some retail therapy. There were a few items I wanted to get, like a new vacuum cleaner. It’s a really nice one too! Our old vacuum is smelly when it’s running and doesn’t pick things up well.

We came home and it was now about 6:30 in the evening. We were going to start up dinner around 7:30, so we just hung around the house and wasted time. I did okay through dinner, which was delicious by the way. We had steak, ranch style beans, and corn on the cob. I tried a new corn on the cob seasoning recipe and it was yummy. After dinner Dom went outside to start lighting off small fireworks and I started to cry. He came inside to ask if I was okay and I just kept crying…harder now though because he was trying to comfort me. I asked to be alone after a few minutes so that I could get myself together again.

Once alone I walked upstairs and lay on the bed in the nursery to cry more. I wanted to get it all out. I thought I was done, so I got up and decided to step in the shower to cool off, but started crying again (although I hadn’t really stopped completely). I then went downstairs and tried to be social, but was teary eyed and did not want to chat with neighbors. My mom called on my cell phone, so I picked up and cried a bit more. I felt like thing would never be okay again. I had not cried like that since we lost Orion. I didn’t think it would be like that anymore, but it was.

I did, eventually, go outside to watch fireworks, but my heart was just not into the festivities.

So far I feel just tired today and a little sad. I don’t feel as hopeless as I did yesterday. I just hope the labs get here in the mail today so that I can try to get the answer from the geneticist as to whether or not we can get PGD done. I can’t wait to get started on the process, but I also know it will be an emotional journey and harrowing at times. I know that our future family is worth the hard work.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Bad news from a friend

I got up on Saturday morning and opened my email. There was one from a good friend of mine, so I opened it after I deleted some of the junk mail. The email was sent out to a group of people announcing that she had to deliver her baby at 20 weeks gestation and the little girl passed away. This brought my feelings to the surface again. I know first hand the nightmare of loosing a baby and the loss of plans for the future. I hit the reply button, but wasn’t sure what to say. I decided to just let her know I was there for her and I shared my strategy on coping with the loss. I plan on staying busy with several things such as taking weekend trips, working out (after 7/10 when I hit the 6 week mark), planning for a future pregnancy, and saving up for a tropical vacation. I also asked if she and her husband wanted to join Dom and me for a camping trip in August somewhere halfway between where she lives and where I live. We can form a support group of sorts. We hope to get pregnant again around the same time and be successful this time! I talked to her on the phone last night and although it was kind of difficult we shared some of our experience with each other. This is something we hope to never have to go through again.

I really do look forward to carrying a child again. I miss feeling the baby moving and the weight of the baby. Yeah, I know I complained at the end like all women do when they are big and uncomfortable, but I really miss it now. I look forward to the day when I have another baby within me to love.

It has only been three weeks since we lost our baby. I sometimes think about the last time I was able to hold him in my arms. It was the only time I was able to hold him without the ventilator attached. When I allow my thoughts to wander and think about some of the precious moments I had with Orion it causes me to tear up. I’ve never been prone to tears as I am these days. I’m sure if and when I start the IVF process by taking extra hormones I’ll be even more of a mess by that point. I’m still so anxious to find out if we can get tested by PGD or not. If we cannot I’m just going to see what happens naturally and hope that our next baby falls into the 75% healthy instead of loosing another child to SMA. I hope the hospital up north sent the records right away and we get them this week. It would be nice! Even nicer though it would be if we could get the PGD and have a 98% chance of a healthy baby! That would be ideal. Less risk involved for sure.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Worries already

8:20 AM

Last night my OB/GYN called me. She had talked to the geneticist in town about what happened to my husband and me and to ask if Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is available for Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA). As I already knew, PGD is available for SMA. That’s the good news. The not so great news is that PGD is not available for certain mutations of SMA. That caused my stomach to sink. I had my hopes focused on this testing. In the back of my mind I was thinking about the geneticist in Portland who told us there was no PGD available for this disorder. Maybe Orion had the kind of mutation they cannot test for.

I was feeling pretty low the rest of the evening because of the phone call. Dom and I are starting to get used to bad news though. My doctor gave me the geneticist’s phone number that she talked to, so.

I realize that Orion's SMA it is what it is. There is nothing I can do to change the outcome, so I shouldn't be so worried. If they can test for it they will otherwise we will just try and see if we can have a healthy child naturally one more time. There is a 75% chance of a healthy child after all. I would just feel much better knowing the condition has been tested for and get over that hurdle.

I am doing what I can right now though by requesting medical records and I'm going to be calling the geneticist in town to talk and find out if testing can be done or not prior to becoming pregnant. Once I know that I can start dealing with it instead of thinking about it and wondering.

10 AM

I just talked to the geneticist in town and she said there is an 85% chance that they CAN test for this disorder. We are a bit concerned (she and I) because she knew the geneticist in Portland that gave us the diagnosis and wondered why he said there was no preimplantation testing available. Maybe he knew what kind of mutation it was and that's why he said what he did. This new doctor said that maybe he was not up to date on all the testing for this specific disorder and it is a special interest for her, so she is all caught up on it.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My situation

I’ve decided to undergo Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and InVitro Fertilization for my next pregnancy…why you ask?

I just had a baby boy on 5/28/06. My husband and I named him Orion. I had to have a c-section and was concerned instantly when he came out because I didn’t hear my baby crying. I knew something was wrong. He was instantly taken to the NICU and I was sent back to my room for recovery. That night the doctors told us they didn’t know what was wrong with my baby and he was very sick. The next morning the doctors informed me that my baby might die. They wanted to transport him to another hospital a few hours away to undergo more testing. My doctor told me she would let me leave the hospital a day early so my husband and I could be with our baby. I had a hard time sleeping that night because I was very worried that I was going to get a phone call from the other hospital with bad news. To make a long story short my baby did pass away on 6/10/06. It was something I do not wish to experience again.

My baby was diagnosed with Spinal Muscle Atrophy. This was a genetic disorder that my husband and I are both carriers for. We had no idea we carried this condition and unwittingly passed it on to our boy. The geneticist in Portland told us that there was no testing for this disorder until week 14 of pregnancy and it would be done via amniocentesis. However, I saw my OB/GYN here for a follow up appointment and she suggested I get embryonic testing done. She said she would check with the geneticist in town for me. I started searching on the internet for testing since my doctor told me there might be some available and I’m thrilled to have found some in Portland. Now it makes me wonder why the geneticist in Portland was not aware of it That’s beside the point though. I’m just happy to have more hope.

My husband and I decided that PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) is the way to go for us. If this testing was not available we probably would get pregnant again at some point and take a gamble at our 25% chance that this would happen to future children, but since the testing is available we are going to go with a 98% chance that it will not happen to future children.
My OB/GYN told me that I could get pregnant as soon as 3 months after Orion was born, so that would be in late August. I set an appointment up for the infertility clinic for July 21st. I’m so excited to ask the doctor there questions and plan cycles, etc. I’m actually obsessed with the thought of getting pregnant again. My doctor tells me that is completely normal. I kind of hope we have a girl this time so we don’t compare with Orion.

I plan on documenting my journey to pregnancy and motherhood again in this blog. It will be a nice way to release some fears, excitement, and anticipation. Who knows, I might even have a multiple pregnancy this time. At this point my husband and I would welcome twins.

In preparation for my journey into a second pregnancy I am signing up for short term disability for my next maternity leave. I will also be starting a work out and diet plan on July 10th since I have to wait six weeks to work out after a c-section to loose more weight before I start gaining again. I’m only 8 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I’d like to loose a bit more before getting pregnant again.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Van troubles

So, everyday at work I drive the van over to the hospital to pick up the medications for the patients. As I was getting out of the van today my jacket sleeve caught on the door of the car. I managed to pull myself free and then swung the door shut. It made a clang noise and bounced open, much to my surprise. I then checked for the seatbelt and tried again when I noted no obstruction. Still it did not shut. I then set my bag of drugs and the keys down on the driver’s seat and inspected the door more closely. (I apologize to car people for not using the correct terms and “thing” a lot in the very near future, but here goes). So, I noticed a black round thing in the door and it coincides with a little bar on the door frame. It was not open to let the bar in, so I deducted that the black thing was my problem. Since I now discovered what my problem was it was time to fix it. I tried to pull it down, but it wouldn’t budge, so I pushed up…only to have it go up farther and not come back. I then tried to unlock and lock the door desperately hoping that it would automatically pop down and save me. Of course it didn’t. Then I thought I should check the passenger door to confirm my suspicions that the black thing should have the opening facing out. I opened the door and was pleased to see that I was correct. Unfortunately though I decided to toy with that side. Bad idea…I now had the same exact problems on both sides. Neither door would shut.

Okay, so there went my plan to head up to the cafeteria for a Klondike bar or something similar (I am pregnant) since now I was planning on going to the pharmacy as quickly as possible and back to my building so I can find someone to help me tinker or perhaps just call for a service man…being that it was 4 PM I doubted we’d get anyone out today. So, I got back into the open van and took a long strap that happened to be in there and tied it around the passenger side and my driver’s side door and held them together. The doors only tried to open twice. So, I parked the van and decided to try one more time to fix both doors now…besides, my fingers were already black.
This time, I don’t know why, I happened to see a little silver area I could possibly try to push in to release the black thing. I took the key and pushed it up and…success! I just had to maneuver it a bit and was able to get the job done. I was scared it would revert right back, but so far so good. With my ego boosted I went to the passenger side and repeated the task. I am so pleased with myself that I did not have to call for service or have a co-worker come to my aid, but now I want my ice cream